
How many bacteria live on your phone?

How many bacteria live on your phone?

Do you think the toilet seat is home to the most bacteria? You're wrong. There are more of them on your favorite toy, which according to some research you touch more than 50 times a day.

We have bad news: science says it is the phone is 10 times dirtier than the toilet seat. These results are not even surprising, because according to some, it should American research Americans on average phone touched 47 times a day. But there is also research that says we touch it 3000 times. The more times you touch your phone, the more bacteria is transferred.

The more you touch your phone, the more bacteria it transfers.
The more you touch your phone, the more bacteria it transfers.

In the department for of Agriculture and Science at the University of Arizona warn, that one's own bacteria are not the problem. If not share your phone, you're mostly 'working with your own bacteria', but it's immediate, when someone else touches it, it's a whole new set of bacteria that can be harmful. In order to avoid diseases, it is also important to wipe your phone regularly, advises Emily Martin, assistant professor of epidemiology at the Michigan College of Public Health.

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