
How many times a week should you reset your phone? Experts advise!

Photo: envato

Wondering how often you should reset your phone? The answer will probably surprise you. Mobile phones have become our daily companions, which we rarely give the opportunity to restart and 'rest'

For many of us, smartphones have become an indispensable part of life. They affect our work responsibilities, how we communicate with friends and family, and how we access important information such as banking and healthcare. But even though they are technological devices, they should be given time every now and then take a break as well. If we reset the phone too few times, we negatively affect its performance and longevity. This means that simply knowing when to shut down and restart your phone can save you hundreds of dollars that you would otherwise spend on premature device replacement.

Photo: Unsplash/Ben Kolde

Closing apps and saving memory

In most cases, the application is not really closed, but simply in a state where it can be restarted more quickly. While the application appears to be inactive, it is still slowly consuming memory and phone battery. Opening and closing lots of apps every day can quickly slow down your phone and use up more power. Rebooting your phone will clean up open apps and memory leaks and fix anything that's draining your battery unnecessarily.

Preventing system crashes

The phone system can crash for various reasons, and the fact that we reset it too often can also contribute to this. Every update, page downloaded, app installed or uninstalled adds or removes a piece of code in the phone's operating system. Sometimes these code remnants remain incompatible or improperly removed after installation or uninstallation. Rebooting your phone will fix most of these issues and improve your phone's performance.

Photo: Unsplash/Le Buzz Studio

Extending battery life

If you never let the battery fully discharge, it will never "learn" to fully charge, which can shorten its life. It is recommended to periodically let the battery discharge to 0 percent and then charge it again to 100 percent. Such a process calibrates the battery and helps it maintain its full charging capacity. Restarting your phone from time to time can also help optimize battery performance and preserve battery life.

Fixing slowness and improving performance

Your phone can become slower over time due to the accumulation of temporary files and debris from various processes. Rebooting your phone will remove these temporary files and free up memory, improving your device's speed and responsiveness. With this, you will be able to notice smoother phone operation and less lag when using applications.

Photo: Unsplash/Eaters Collective

Preventing overheating and protecting hardware

Phones that are left on for long periods of time can become warm, especially when used for demanding tasks such as playing games or watching videos. Overheating can damage the internal hardware and shorten the life of the device. Restarting your phone regularly will allow it to cool down and reduce the risk of overheating.

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