
How Messi and Ronaldo are helping to clean the streets of London

Interactive trash cans

The British humanitarian organization Hubbub came up with a brilliant idea of how to clean the streets of London and wean people from recklessly throwing waste on the ground. The #neatstreets campaign includes projects such as voting with cigarette butts in public places (privacy is not guaranteed), a device that plays music when you insert a cigarette butt, and a special educational and interactive board for those who chew gum.

"Despite the fact that our polls showed that as many as 86 percent of Londoners he considers throwing garbage on the ground as an ugly vice, only 15 percent of them would face someone who was caught in the act," they say at charity Hubbub, which therefore set about cleaning London's streets in its own unique way imaginative way. By raising awareness through play and interaction. Thus, on the streets of Villiers Street in Westminster (London), you can come across many interesting people "baskets" for cigarette butts and chewing gum.

READ MORE: Bruno - the world's first smart trash can is also a vacuum cleaner

The questions on the baskets are related to many current topics.
The questions on the baskets are related to many current topics.

One such is a basket for smokers and their butts with which they can smokers vote who is the better football player- Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. In addition to garbage, a big problem not only in London, but also in Slovenian city streets, is also discarded chewing gum. Quitting this bad habit was tackled at Hubbub with special boards (chewing gum installations), where they attract passers-by with interesting facts related to chigumi, questions and riddles, to which they can find the answer if they stick to certain dots spent chewing gum.

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