
How much money do you need to put aside every day to be a millionaire by age 65?

Would you like to become a millionaire? Who would not! And although this sounds almost utopian, the wish is not unachievable. The fact is that we are all born as boys or girls, not as Bill Gates, Oprah and the like. Of course, some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but unfortunately, not all of us are so lucky. Therefore, we can join them in the club of the wealthy. Admittedly, only in old age, but still. Check how much money you need to put aside every day to be a millionaire by the age of 65.

Get rich or die trying. It's not easy to join the millionaires' club, especially if you don't have a revolutionary idea, if you fail to make a historic breakthrough in your field, if you're a Hollywood actor, if you don't hit the jackpot in the lottery, or if you're a top athlete in a real sports industry. Well, there is much easier way, which is admittedly a bit longer, but in the end you will end up among the millionaires. How? By "adopting" chart by financial advisor David Bach from his book Smart Couples Finish Rich, which shows how much money you need to save every day, every month and every year, yes up to 65 years you become a millionaire.

READ MORE: How do millionaires think?

It's nice to be a millionaire. And pretty easy too.
It's nice to be a millionaire. And pretty easy too.

How does this look in practice? If you are 25 years old, you will have to put aside 3.2 euros per day, but if you have 30 crosses on your coat of arms, you will have to save 175 euros per month or 5.8 per day. In doing so, the scale takes into account12 percent annual return and that you have started with zero savings. So becoming rich is nothing more than being committed to an idea and you systematically save. "You don't need money to make money, you just need to make the right decisions" says Bach and his table - which is not entirely accurate, as it simplified for the sake of transparency and does not take into account some financial parameters - it clearly shows that us no need to be a genius, to end up bathing in money like Uncle Scrooge. Not that this should be your life goal, but the idea of being well provided for in old age sounds tempting. So, the next time you go out for coffee, think about this table and move the coins from your scrotum to your piggy bank instead of the waiter's wallet (the scale is in US dollars, exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.10 USD).

Bach's table of savings that leads us to the status of a millionaire.
Bach's table of savings that leads us to the status of a millionaire.

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