
How often do people masturbate? Research reveals this

Photo: envato

The question of how often people masturbate has only been dared to be entered into the Google search engine in recent years, as this area was considered taboo for a long time.

How often do people masturbate? Each of us has our own answer, but recent research has shown that there are some average values in this area as well.

Like everything else, masturbation patterns have changed over the generations, and thanks to the transformation of cultural definitions of sexuality, we can talk about it much more openly today than we used to. Due to the growing awareness these days the topic is no longer taboo and openness allows people to discuss and reveal their sexual patterns.

Photo: Unsplash/Monika Kozub

How often do people masturbate?

"Each generation is more active in masturbation, with (research by sexual health and wellness company Tenga) suggesting that women now masturbate about eight times a month," sociologist and sexologist Dr. Rachel Sommer. She also pointed to another study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2019, which showed that 26 % women masturbated once a week, while 27 % masturbated two to three times a week.

The percentage is even higher for men. While masturbation is on the rise among women, a 2022 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that a higher proportion of men report masturbating several times a week. In 2021, Tenga found in a report that 40 % people say they masturbate more often than before.

Photo: Unsplash/Dainis Graveris

How many times a week or month an individual masturbates is influenced by a large number of factors, from age, cultural environment, race, etc. Since there is no general rule, it is necessary to listen to your body above all. Some masturbate once a week, others five times.

According to research from the Archives of Sexual Behaviors, masturbating has many positive effects on our emotional, mental, physical and sexual health, but overdoing it isn't good either. If excessive masturbation is disrupting your daily life and habits and affecting your productivity, it's time to take a step back.

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