
How pets can ruin our Christmas

Your dog or cat may be the most innocent creature in the world, but when December and the holiday season rolls around, it can turn into a real destroyer, mistaking the apartment decked out in decorations and a Christmas tree for a playground. And the result? Ruined Christmas. Check it out in the photo gallery.

As can be seen in the photos, most dogs and cats deny involvement in the "destruction" Christmas, but despite the innocent look on his face, we all know where the dog (or cat) paws. And since pets like to turn into little kids when decorating for the holidays, it's wise to consider the placement Christmas trees, nativity scenes and other decorations, if we don't want the apartment to turn into a battlefield while we are away or asleep.

READ MORE: The most creative Christmas and New Year trees

We predict there will be nothing this year gifts for those cats and dogs. No, we're kidding. Of course they will.

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