Ever since the dawn of civilization, people have believed that the Moon has a strong influence on their lives, and this is how many stories were created that still ignite our imaginations today. Do you even know how the Moon can affect your life?
The moon is not just a celestial body, it has for man much greater importance, and that since the beginning of the first civilizations. Human beings are strongly connected to it because in the past it represented the full moon social activity time, while its lulls represent the time when people are stayed at home.
In modern society, the Moon no longer has such a role, but our evolutionary, innate and intuitive system is still inclined to we follow its cycles – the energy it emits should also affected our emotions, experts say. At the time when the Moon is full, it is supposed to be our emotions more intense, with her help, they somehow "let's clean up”, followed by a period of tranquility. And this is a completely normal phenomenon that shows that we can only be calm if we get rid of our emotions, which cause us restlessness.
Scientists claim that he is to blame for all the changes during this time the hormone melatonin, which is important at regulation of circadian rhythms of many biological functions - this is supposed to fluctuate during the lunar cycles, but scientists have still not been able to prove whether these changes only occur under the influence of the Moon or just because internal biological clocks, which has always existed in humans.
Scientists are so sure they exist 3+ unusual modes, how the Moon can affect your mood. Have you already felt its influence on your skin??
Tendency to violent behavior
Guardians of the law believe that the full moon can triggers violent behavior. Experts in American criminal justice have passed five years of research, in which they found that it was at the time of the full moon increased number of murders and attacks.
They are supposed to be at the time of the full moon more aggressive and we tend to quarrel – this phenomenon is also called Transylvanian syndrome, which is based on the story of Count Dracula, who turned into a vampire during the full moon. People are supposed to feel it too tightness.
This is said to occur due to a combination of personality, astrological chart and the full Moon, which have such a strong influence that a person he cannot control his own behavior – but this is only speculation, as more research would need to be done to confirm that it is Luna's fault indeed.
Problems with insomnia
Some people are aggressive during the full moon, others have problems with insomnia, experts say. V research about the influence of the Moon on sleep, they confirmed that they had participants during the full moon experienced problems with insomnia and were extremely little time in deep sleep phase. Interestingly, the experiment lasted for a longer period, which means that participants did not know, when will the moon be full, as they were in a controlled environment.
Scientists say that there is still a connection between insomnia and the Moon a big secret, as they cannot determine why does it really happen. One theory is that it is ours biological cycle linked to lunar cycles.
Tendency to self-observation
During the time when the Moon is new (it is only slightly visible), it is energy, which emits it, very weak, experts say. People often report that they are special then tired and se they keep to themselves. During this time devote to self-exploration.
If you are thinking about changes in life, now you know the easiest time to find the answer, what do you want in life. New Moon is the time when you have to set new goals, because it should be the most in the first half of her cycle motivated and energetic.
Influence on love life
The greatest poets once wrote about the love Moon, which is supposed to strengthened the bond between the two lovers, which thus become much more romantic. Experts confirm this theory, but say that this feeling may it won't last long. We are humans at the time of the full moon much more emotional, so even a minor dispute can develop into a big fight.
They should also exist love rituals, which you can practice during the full moon. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, women seduced men according to the phase of the lunar cycle. Those women who suffered from ex or unrequited love are symbolically threw away the photo, a gift or some thing, which reminds them of a beloved man. That's the way it should be opened their hearts to new love.
The night when the Moon is full is supposed to be, according to some beliefs perfect for making love and conquest. In antiquity, women believed that they were then the most beautiful and the most attractive, so they paid special attention to this day.