
How to apply eyeliner according to the shape of the eyes?

Are you good at wielding eyeliner? While we at the editorial office are all for experimentation and the fact that there are no rules in beauty (apart from removing your makeup every night), it's good to know what you can never go wrong with. With eyeliner, certain techniques are said to bring more symmetry even to different eye shapes. Here are tips that will help us choose the right way to apply eyeliner according to the shape of our eyes.

Eyeliner application techniques or eyeliner depending on the shape of the eyes.

Almond shaped eyes.

Different eyeliner styles go with this eye shape, but the easiest and most beautiful technique is to follow the natural curve of the eyes and thicken the line towards the end, i.e. to the outer part of the eyes. For a more seductive or lustful look, the line can be slightly lengthened and folded, and a pencil can be applied to the lower lid and smudged.

Droopy eyelids.

With drooping eyelids, the eyeliner usually hides quickly, so we have to be careful not to use too much eyeliner on the upper eyelid. On the upper eyelid, we can use eyeliner in pencil or in gel and draw a thin line, and also fill the space between the eyelashes. So our eyes stand out, but at the same time the line is not hidden.

Eyes turned down.

We focus our attention on the line, which at the end we bend a little, because this way the inner corner of the eyes remains open. Draw a thin line, bend it slightly and don't forget the highlighter.

Round eyes.

We want to create slightly elongated, wider apart eyes. Therefore, we extend the line at the end of the eyes and thus create almond-shaped eyes. We do the same on the lower eyelid and connect the lines together. Or we can decide not to connect them, and fold the line up or down for each eyelid.

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Near lying eyes.

Since we want to create the illusion that our eyes are further apart, let's start with a line at the back third and drag it outward. The line should be thinner on the inside. A curled line is also suitable for close-set eyes.

Eyes lying apart.

Since we want to create the illusion that our eyes are more symmetrical, we apply the eyeliner on the upper lid, but do not draw the line beyond the outer corner of the eyes. That would only distance our eyes from each other even more. You can also apply a pencil to the lower lid and smudge it.

Round, bulging eyes.

The eyeliner is applied to the upper eyelid, the line should be thicker. For balance, add eyeliner or eyeshadow to the lower lid.

Asian eyes.

Asian eyes can afford a slightly thicker line. A liquid eyeliner that is waterproof should be used and the line should be thick enough so that it does not disappear or smudge when the eyes are opened.

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