
How to buy a suitable soup?

People like to quickly get excited about new things, which we also quickly buy, but then sometimes disappointment follows. It is always wise to do a bit of searching for information, especially when deciding to buy a product that is still largely unknown. Since the time of water pleasures is just coming, and because of this some of you have become interested in diving, we have summarized some tips on how to buy a suitable diving board.

How to buy a suitable soup? The good thing about soups is that they are suitable for almost everyone, so that there is no need to deal with the questions "am I fit enough", "since I have no prior knowledge" and the like. Once you have enough information about the activities sup offers, the next question for you is, what type of board do you need. Even when choosing a hull, it can get stuck. Then there is the construction, the shape, the length and, of course, the price. But in order not to complicate everything too much, let's take a look at the types of soups we know and what they are for.


If you are a beginner, this is probably the smartest decision.

Multipurpose boards are suitable for all types of conditions. If you are a beginner, this is probably the smartest decision, because with it you will be able to familiarize yourself with all forms of swinging and then make a decision more easily. The boards are wide and have a large volume (190-220 l), so they are very stable. Even if you get caught in the waves, maneuvering between them will not be a problem, as they have a good sliding surface and hold their course nicely.


Compared to all-purpose boards, touring boards reach higher speeds.
Compared to multi-purpose ones, tour soups reach higher speeds.

These boards are also suitable for beginners. They behave well in calm waters, you can also sail on them in more open seas. Compared to the multi-purpose ones, the touring soups reach higher speeds, because they are longer and have a slightly more pointed nose.


They are also more suitable for beginners.
They are also more suitable for beginners.

Practicality is the first good feature of inflatable boards. They are not very small, and once all the air is squeezed out of them, they are much easier to carry around or get into the basement. They are also among the more suitable for beginners who want more recreational surfing.


With this board you will enjoy the waves.
With this board you will enjoy the waves.

These are usually shorter boards, with a narrower nose and tail. With this board, you will enjoy the waves, but in calm waters, due to poorer stability and lower speed, a little less. We do not recommend it for beginners.


Duck soup.
Competition sup

Competition boards are essentially tour boards. They are slightly narrower and therefore even faster, but also less stable. You can see them in jumping competitions, which probably means that they are not the most suitable for beginners.


The only difference actually is in the attachment for the sail.
The only difference is actually in the attachment for the sail.

Windsurfing also comes from the multi-purpose family. The only difference is actually in the attachment for the sail.

So, now we have met with all categories. Let's see now what else you need to consider before you decide to buy. Perhaps even the most important criteria are yours size and weight. The bigger and heavier you are, the bigger the soup body should be. Another question you need to ask yourself is how often do you plan to use sup?. If you plan to surf every weekend, it might not be the wisest thing to buy a complete beginner's board, as you will progress quite quickly. Consult the seller about this. Is your car big enough for transport or do you have all the necessary infrastructure? Do you have a place at home to store your board? These are not ironing boards, but we sometimes have problems with them.

Of course, price is also a factor in the decision, browse the internet a bit, search forums, ask someone with experience and the decision will not be too difficult. Let the sipping mean to you entertainment, that's basically what it's meant for.


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