
How to properly care for a live Christmas tree in a pot?

We have collected some tips for you on how to properly care for a live Christmas tree in a pot and what you should pay attention to when buying one.

If you want to be completely environmentally friendly, buy yourself a real Christmas tree in a pot this year, which you can plant in the garden after the holidays. How to properly care for a live Christmas tree in a pot and what should you pay attention to when buying it?

How to properly care for a live Christmas tree in a pot?

When you buy a potted Christmas tree, it should be healthy and well developed. If you succeed, check the roots. If a spruce or fir is taken out of the ground just before sale and just pushed into a pot as such, you will see only strong, main roots, and very few fine fibrous roots. Such a tree can dry out quickly after being planted.

Also do not oversize. If you want to keep the tree in a pot until next Christmas (and possibly for many more years), choose smaller, slow growing varieties of conifers (round mistletoe, cone-shaped mistletoe...). Most conifers grow quickly, so one, two, three can outgrow the pot.

Choose smaller, slow-growing varieties of conifers.

Before bringing the potted Christmas tree into the house, it is recommended that live Christmas tree for a few days in an unheated room, for example in a garage, conservatory or similar space to accustom it to the change in temperature. It should stand in this place even after the holidays, before planting in the garden. A tree in the house it must not last longer than ten days, but it is best to place it away from heat sources (the ideal temperature is from 15 to 18 degrees Celsius). If the plant is exposed to high temperatures, it can break the dormancy period and thus release new shoots that will freeze easily when we put the tree outside. You have to every day check soil moisture in the container. It should not dry out, but it should not be too moist either.

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