
How to change a duvet cover in less than a minute?

How to change a duvet cover?

Once you learn the trick of changing a duvet cover in less than a minute, you'll never have to change your bed the old way again! Let the master show you how to do it quickly, efficiently and without the slightest effort.

Are you interested in how to change a duvet cover in less than a minute? Changing bed linen regularly is important, as we spend a third of our lives in bed. But many people postpone this weekly task again and again to the next day. By knowing this great trick that's about to change, as you'll be done with the nastiest part of changing the sheets in less than 60 seconds.

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You roll the blanket like a pancake, and then just...
You roll the blanket like a pancake, and then just...

Check the fastest and easiest way to change the cap. All you have to do is roll the blanket up like a pancake in a roll and you "stuff" the sheet with it. More in the video, where the author of the idea demonstrates everything Steve Holmes.

How to change a duvet cover in less than a minute:

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