
How to choose the right running shoes and when it's time to replace them

Discover which shoes are ideal for asphalt, macadam and mountain trails

Photo: envato

Running is one of the most popular forms of recreation around the world, so it's no surprise that the running shoe market is growing and evolving every year. However, choosing the right running shoes is not just a matter of fashion choice, but the key to preventing injuries, improving performance and ensuring comfort while running. In this article, we will explore why choosing the right running shoes is important, how to choose the right shoes and when to replace them.

Choosing the right running shoes is fundamental for every runner, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned marathoner. The right shoes can prevent injuries, improve your running form and increase your enjoyment of running. Don't be afraid to invest time and money in choosing the shoes that are right for you, as this will be an investment in your health and running goals.

Why are the right running shoes important?

Quality sneakers are essential for shock absorption, which are created during running when your feet strike the ground. The correct shape and support of the shoe can significantly reduce the load on the joints, muscles and ligaments. This is especially important for runners who spend a lot of time on hard surfaces such as asphalt or concrete, where the risk of injury is even greater.

Photo: envato

How to choose the right running shoes?

There are several key factors to consider when choosing sneakers.

Type of foundation

Running shoes differ significantly depending on the type of surface you intend to run on. If you're running on asphalt, you'll need shoes with good cushioning to cushion the impact on hard surfaces and reduce the risk of injury. Running shoes for forest trails have a rougher sole that provides better traction on uneven and slippery surfaces. Treadmill shoes, however, are often lighter and more flexible, as trail running requires less protection than outdoor running. It is important to choose shoes that are adapted to the specific terrain you run on most often, as this will improve your performance and comfort while running.

Foot type and running style

Understanding your foot type and running style is key to choosing the right running shoes. A great place to start is to visit a specialty running store for a running analysis. In running analysis, staff can help you determine whether you have a neutral stride, pronation (when the foot rolls inward when running), or supination (when the foot rolls outward). You can also find out if you have a high, low or normal arch. Based on this information, they can advise you on which shoes will offer the right support and stability, reducing the risk of injury and improving your running experience.

Comfort and fit

Comfort and proper fit are the most important factors when choosing running shoes. It is recommended that you try the shoes on in the afternoon, when your feet are at their most swollen, as this will give you a better feel for how the shoes will fit during your run. Shoes should be comfortable straight away, with no 'break-in' period, as uncomfortable shoes can cause blisters and other problems. It is important to leave about half a centimeter of space between the toe and the tip of the shoe, which allows the foot to expand naturally during running. Also, make sure that the shoes hug the heel well and provide enough support around the ankle.

Design and materials

Modern running shoes use various cushioning technologies and advanced materials that can significantly improve your running experience. Cushioning systems, such as gel inserts or an air cushion, reduce shock and provide greater comfort during running. Materials such as mesh inserts provide better ventilation and are lighter, contributing to a better running experience. In addition, the modern design of running shoes also includes various support elements that improve stability and reduce the risk of injury. Choose shoes that combine functionality and comfort while allowing you to feel confident and ready for any running adventure.

Photo: envato

How do I know my running shoe size?

To determine the right size of running shoes, it is best to measure your foot in a specialist store. It is important to note that sizes may vary between different brands. Also consider the width of the shoe, as some manufacturers offer models that are suitable for wider feet.

When should I change running shoes?

The lifespan of running shoes depends from many factors, such as the runner's weight, running style and type of surface. In general, running shoes should be replaced after approximately 500 to 800 kilometers. Signs that it's time for a new pair include worn out soles, reduced cushioning and general deterioration of materials.

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