
What is the easiest way to clean a microwave oven?

What is the easiest way to clean a microwave oven?

Do you know the easiest way to clean a microwave oven? A microwave is used by many people every day, so it is expected to be quite dirty. Many people put off cleaning because they think it's a complicated process, but the truth is far from that! To make it look like new and not to be horrified every time you open the door, you just need to know a simple trick to clean the microwave without any strain!

Many people put off cleaning microwave ovens, because he believes that this is long-term, and above all a painful and dirty process (for, say, Mike Rowe from Dirty Business). But cleaning the microwave couldn't be easier! You can clean it not only quickly, but also with little effort, and for that you don't need special cleaners. Using this method, the microwave will be clean after a few minutes, like you just brought it from the store and she would never see food in her life.

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Let the microwave do most of the cleaning, and you jump in at the end.
Let the microwave do most of the cleaning, and you jump in at the end.

For the easiest or the easiest way to clean a microwave oven you only need a few basic supplies. A cup or container, a glass of water and 1 deciliter of white vinegar. You mix everything together, put it in the microwave, set it to as many watts as possible (e.g. 1000 W) and let it work 5-7 minutes. After the elapsed time, let your still 2 minutes performs the steam that has been created in the meantime. Then you move the container away and with a damp cloth remove the dirt that will come off the walls on its own!

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