
How to cook perfect pasta – never sticky or overcooked again!

Why isn't your pasta perfect?

Photo: envato

Why does restaurant pasta always look better than at home? It's perfectly cooked, not soggy, and never sticks together. Even if you follow the instructions on the package exactly, you may never achieve that perfect texture. What's the secret? What does Gordon Ramsay recommend?

World-famous chef Gordon Ramsay revealed something key rulesthat will help you prepare pastaas cooked by the best chefs.

It's time to break bad habits and learn techniques that will take your pasta to the next level!

Perfect pasta is no accident!

Many people think that cooking pasta is one of the easiest tasks in the kitchen, but in reality small mistakes lead to mediocre results. Gordon Ramsay emphasizes that the key to success is in the details—from the amount of water to the cooking time and the right technique. If yours are sticky, tasteless, or too soft, you're probably making one of these mistakes.

1. Enough water

One of the most common mistakes is using too little water. Gordon Ramsay points out that pasta needs room to move, otherwise it starts to stick.

Pasta should have enough water. Photo: Freepik

The water should be boiling hot before you add the pasta. “If the water isn’t boiling, the pasta won’t be perfect!” says Ramsay. The recommended ratio is 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta.

2. No salt – no taste!

Many people add salt at the end or leave it out altogether. Gordon Ramsay points out that salt is a key element for flavor. The water should be “salty like the sea” because the pasta absorbs its flavor as it cooks.

10 grams of salt per liter of water is the golden rule to ensure that the pasta doesn't turn out mushy. If you only add salt on the plate, it's too late!

3. Mixing is essential!

He emphasizes the importance of stirring the pasta as soon as you put it in the boiling water. If you leave it alone, it will start to stick together and cook unevenly.

It's best to stir them continuously for the first minute, then occasionally to ensure they are moving around the pot.

4. Oil? Absolutely not!

Many people add oil to the water to prevent sticking. He strongly advises against this, as oil coats the pasta with a thin layer of fat, preventing the sauce from adhering properly.

Perfection on a plate. Photo: Freepik

Instead, it's important to cook them properly - with enough water, salt, and regular stirring. This is the only real way to prevent sticking without compromising on flavor.

5. Cook pasta “al dente”

If you want your pasta to be perfect, you shouldn't overcook it. Gordon Ramsay advises always cooking it 1 to 2 minutes less than the time it says on the package.

But here is his a trick: finish the pasta in the sauce! Once drained, immediately transfer it to the pan with the sauce and let it soak up the flavors. This will make it incredibly juicy and delicious.

6. Pasta water – the golden ingredient!

Never pour out all the water the pasta was cooked in. This water is full of starch, which will give the sauce a silky texture.

Before draining, save at least one cup of this liquid. Then gradually add it to the sauce – you will notice that it becomes thicker, richer and perfectly combined with the pasta.

7. Serve the pasta immediately – no waiting!

One of the biggest mistakes is letting it sit out. Pasta should always be freshly cooked and served immediately.

If you leave them in a colander, they will become sticky and rubbery. Once drained, immediately toss them in the sauce, stir, and serve.

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