
How to Bake the Best Creamy Scrambled Eggs - No Oil or Butter!

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered how to make scrambled eggs even tastier and even without using oil or butter? Let's see how to bake the best scrambled eggs!

The best scrambled eggs they are a quick and practical choice for breakfast. This dish is appreciated for its simplicity and nutritional value. The protein in eggs is crucial for cell renewal, while offering many other nutrients.

Make the best scrambled eggs in a different way

A way that combines simplicity and exceptionality. How can we achieve the perfect juiciness and deliciousness of scrambled eggs without classic ingredients such as oil or butter?

The secret lies in an innovative approach, where an unexpected ingredient comes to the fore - sour cream. A common dessert ingredient is used here in a completely new way.

Photo: envato

So, instead of butter and oil, eggs can be prepared with sour cream, which adds tenderness and a special taste. She is the best for that full fat sour cream.

The process is simple

Mix the eggs in the bowl. Put the sour cream in a pan, add a pinch of salt and pepper and heat it over a moderate heat. Then the scrambled eggs are placed in a pan, which will "coagulate" under the influence of heat - like in butter or oil - but because of the taste of the cream, the eggs will smell very nice and will be nice and soft.

Photo: envato

That's how we get perfect scrambled eggs, which impress with aroma and juiciness, while maintaining a unique stamp of innovation. Get ready for an unexpected culinary experience that will change your view of the classic breakfast!


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