
How to chill a drink from a can in less than two minutes

One of the best remedies for summer days when the mercury rises to unbearable temperatures is the sound of opening a can and taking that first sip. But what if the can is not always cold and, frankly, nobody likes lukewarm beer or Coca-Cola at room temperature. What to do when you don't have time for the 'cooling bureaucracy' of the fridge and freezer? Watch the video and you will find the answer.

We've all been in a situation where she was a can of beer or a can of soft drink too warm. And we know what it's like when you fancy something cold. Back then we would have killed to have her cold. Fortunately, there is also a legal way, based on chemistry rather than crime, that won't land you in the cold, even though that might be convenient at the time, but you'll quenched their thirst and cooled the body. But if I tell you that you need ice, you will say, "Well, what's new here?". But what if I tell you that you are up to now for such situations used incorrectly? Does my writing have any more salt now?

READ MORE: Frozen Beer Slushie Machine: the machine that makes beer foam royal

Go salt the can at room temperature! I need ice cold this summer.
Go salt the can at room temperature! I need ice cold this summer.

You treated the symptoms, not the disease, and that had side effects. You are a drink diluted and partially destroyed the primal taste. That's why you don't pour ice into a glass, but into it a bowl with some water. This salt, dip the can into it, roll it a little, chemistry but she will do her own thing. Voilà. From room temperature to 5 degrees Celsius in less than two minutes. If Formula 1 has pits, the can has a bowl of ice and salt.
For a detailed cooling process, see video and from now on never settle for lukewarm or a warm can, even if you are fighting a battle against time.

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