
How do we create a professional self-portrait ourselves?

You don't need a professional photographer to create a great self-portrait. We have collected some simple tips and tricks that will help us get the photo we want, which we can then use for our professional portfolio without any worries. Let's not forget that the self-portrait should be a reflection of us. That's why we let our personality shine through, because that's all that really matters.

How can we create a great self-portrait ourselves?

1. Let's find the right location.

Location is important. Let's take some time to photograph some potential locations. Pay attention to light - find locations that have natural, sunlight - either outdoors or indoors. If we decide to use natural light, be careful not to take photos directly into sunlight, as this can ruin the self-portrait.
Let's be creative when looking for a location and remember that nobody's focus is on the location, it's on us.

Become a self portrait master.
Become a self portrait master.

2. Let's focus on what's important.

One of the hardest parts of creating a self-portrait is focusing on what's really important. In fact, everything can be quite simple. We put the camera on a tripod, set the lens to "manual focus" and place an object where we want to be. We focus on focusing, and when we're satisfied, we're done. Let's record some test shots, adjust as we go, and voilà, success is here. The camera can also be connected to a computer or television, and in this way we can somehow see ourselves and get a sense of what kind of photo will be created.

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3. Let's take as many photos as possible.

Many self-timer cameras have the ability to take multiple photos at once. If this option is not available, then the camera can be triggered with the remote control.

4. Let's choose our (best) site.

Even before we actually get down to taking pictures, we take a selfie to find out when we are most photogenic. Let's analyze what we like and what we don't. Do we like a smile or is it better to take a profile picture? Let's pay attention to physical nuances and use them usefully. That way, in the end, we will be really proud of the photo. Let's not forget that the self-portrait should be a reflection of us. That's why we let our personalities shine, because that's all that really matters.

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