
How to create the best sexual connection with your partner: 5 ways to feel real passion

Experts suggest 5 ways to establish a perfect sexual connection with your partner!

Photo: IG creativetravelcouples

Sexuality alone does not create pleasure, the magical moment of passion is the work of a lover, a partner.

There are couples who understand each other perfectly, cherish love and desire each other, but the problem arises due to insufficient sexual connection. Sexuality is the ultimate intimacy, the union of two diametrically opposed energies that intertwine and merge into one.

Mere technique and a good knowledge of erogenous zones are not enough for a good sex life. It is important to establish this passionate contact with your partner, to feel his body, soul, mind and satisfaction.

Experts suggest 5 ways to establish a perfect sexual connection with your partner.

1. Intimate friendship with a partner

During intercourse, many people focus mainly on the technique, their appearance, the appearance of their partner's body, and they want love to look like on the movie screen. However, this "plastic" way of making love will not bring you pleasure. It is important to develop emotional connection, trust and a sense of security within the relationship with your partner. Nurturing friendship and trust with your partner is the first condition for a good sexual relationship.

2. Connection with your body

Everyday life, going to work, cooking, paying bills, friends, partner, children... All this does not leave us enough space to devote ourselves better and get to know our body. Take time to observe your body and let go of your fears. Be free and curious as you look at it and touch it. Only when you free yourself from these shackles will you become freer, more interesting and imaginative while making love.

3. Communication

One of the main reasons why sex becomes routine is definitely lack of communication. If something bothers you, talk to your partner. Say what you don't like, what you like and what you don't like about your relationship. Open up and be honest, because good communication and honesty are the keys to a successful sexual relationship.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

Even a good sexual relationship can fall into monotony. Change, creativity and imagination are always needed to maintain a sexual relationship. Try something new, play, make your fantasies come true. Get out of your comfort zone, indulge yourself and let your imagination lead you to the ultimate pleasure.

5. Surrender to the outcome

In a relationship, never pressure something to be achieved, such as a climax. Sexual intercourse is not a race for climax, nor a rush to reach the goal, but enjoyment. Sexual energy is spiritual, it heals the soul and body, it helps us to connect with ourselves and our loved one. So let yourself go without thinking about the end result and enjoy the love and passion.

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