
How to dry nail polish quickly: a trick that works perfectly, but not many people know about it

Photo: envato

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to quickly dry your nail polish, but it felt like it was taking forever? There is a way to speed up this process without sacrificing the quality of your manicure.

It is one of the most annoying obstacles in the search for the perfect manicure waiting for the nail polish to dry. How to dry nail polish quickly?

While this may seem like a small thing, the drying speed of the polish can really affects the course of our day. Sometimes time catches up with us, and we are trapped in an endless wait for the polish to harden before we can get on with our responsibilities.

This problem is particularly pronounced in the fast rhythm of modern life, where every a lost minute it means missed opportunity or added stress. If we hurry up to an important meeting, a romantic date or if we just want to make the most of a sunny day, the last thing we want is waiting for our nail polish to dry.

However, there are several tricks that can this speed up the process significantly, without sacrificing the quality of the manicure. These tricks are not only simple and practical, but also innovative and in many cases surprising.

How to dry nail polish quickly?

The following tips will help you reduce drying time.

Are you painting your nails? Photo: Element5 / pexels

Use a hair dryer for a matte finish

One of the most effective methods to quickly dry nail polish is to use a hair dryer. After applying the varnish, wait approx 30 seconds, then set the dryer to cool air and hold it for at least 30 centimeters from the fingers. This method is ideal for those who prefer a matte look, as hot air can cause the polish to become less shiny.

Thin layers are key

The key to optimal drying of the varnish is to apply three thin layers instead of two thicker ones. This not only shortens the drying time, but also prevents formation of air bubbles, which can spoil the look of your manicure. Wait a few moments between coats to allow each coat to dry properly.

Oil for faster drying

Using oil to quickly dry the polish is one of the best methods that professional salons also use. After applying the last layer of varnish, apply a few drops of drying oil.

Water trick. Photo: Polina Tankilevitch- / Pexels

This will help to speed up the drying of the polish, and it will also leave a pleasant smell and prevent the polish from sticking. If the oil remains on the nails, you can easily remove it with a tissue.

Cold water for final curing

One of the most effective tricks for quick drying of varnish is immersion of hands in cold water. After applying the polish, wait a few seconds, then immerse your hands in a bowl of cold water for about 30 seconds. This method is especially useful when you are in a hurry.

With these expert tips, you can dry nail polish quickly and efficiently, allowing you to leave the house without worrying about your manicure being anything less than perfect.

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