
What is the fastest way to dry wet shoes?

Soaked shoes

Do you know the fastest way to dry wet shoes? This simple trick will come in handy on rainy days! Because there is nothing worse than wet shoes. Because you mean wet socks and you mean wet feet. This can lead to colds in the colder months, not to mention the unpleasant sensation. There is only one method of drying shoes quickly that does not harm the shoes. Check which one!

Wet shoes! Ugh, how we hate it. And how long they dry on their own! If you leave them in the air overnight, they will still damp in the morning. Horror. Fortunately, there is an effective method to dry them as quickly as possible without damaging them.

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Newspaper is the fastest way to dry your shoes.
Newspaper is the fastest way to dry your shoes.

The fastest way to dry wet shoes is to crumple the newspaper into a ball and press it thoroughly into the shoe. This will absorb most of the moisture from the soaked shoes overnight. If you can, change the paper every few hours so that it absorbs as much water as possible. To dry the outside, wrap some paper around the shoe and fasten it with a rubber band.

To keep the shoes dry inside and out.
To keep the shoes dry inside and out.

To speed up the process, put your shoes on in front of the fan, but do not place them next to the radiator, as this would harm them. It also doesn't dry them out in the dryer, as the temperature is too high there, which can damage the glue in the shoes.

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