
How to relieve a sore throat: 7 natural remedies to cure a sore throat overnight

Photo: envato

As winter's dry air and frequent illnesses threaten our vocal cords, finding solace for a sore throat becomes a top priority. Embrace the healing power of nature with these seven soothing natural remedies that can make you feel better overnight - Natural Sore Throat Remedies.

The most common causes of a sore throat is a cold, excessive strain on the vocal cords or the dry air we are exposed to in winter due to heating. Natural remedies for sore throat you can prepare it at home. If symptoms persist or worsen, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

The best natural remedies for a sore throat

Cayenne pepper infusion

Make a pot of invigorating cayenne pepper tea by mixing lemon tea, mint tea, lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Enjoy the warmth of this drink before bed.

Grandma's tea

Mix 250 ml of water with two teaspoons of honey and heat slightly, making sure it does not boil. Add two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of brown sugar for an extra kick. Experience the nostalgia of this comforting medicine.

Sore throat natural remedies and drinks can help with a sore throat. Photo: Anna/Pexels

Magic milk with cinnamon

Create a soothing drink by mixing a tablespoon of sugar, two pinches of baking soda, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 250 ml of milk. Heat the mixture, add a spoonful of honey and enjoy the pleasant warmth without letting it boil.

Tea with brandy

Combine green tea, chamomile and lemon tea for an antioxidant-rich drink. Increase its medicinal value with a spoonful of honey, lemon juice, ginger and a dash of brandy – a natural analgesic in a cup.

Salt water

Prepare a gargle solution with 250 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil, take a generous gulp and gargle, being careful not to swallow. Repeat this process at least five times a day to reduce the symptoms of a sore throat.

Instead of artificial preparations, you can help yourself with natural methods, with which you can get rid of a sore and sore throat in a healthy and simple way. Photo: Melike/Pexels

Steam inhalation

Boil three cups of water, pour over lemon tea, chamomile and fresh ginger and let it cool for five minutes. Inhale the steam through your mouth and nose for five to ten minutes, covered with a towel. Experience the relief as the steam soothes your sore throat and makes it easier for you to fall into a peaceful sleep.

Chamomile poultice

Soak dried chamomile flowers to make a tea, soak a clean towel in the warm concoction and wrap it around your neck. Heat again and repeat for a soothing, warm compress that provides gentle relief.

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