
How to ensure that your luggage arrives first at the airport?

You know the feeling when you get off the plane, go through all the checks and run towards the baggage department, so you can see your loved ones as soon as possible or catch the bus, but the luggage starts rolling very slowly and yours is nowhere to be seen? Well, we're going to reveal some tricks that will help you get to your luggage faster in the future.

1. Be a honey the last ones to check in their luggage before take-off, which they always arrange so that the last ones checked in are also the last ones loaded onto the plane, which means that they will be among the first to be loaded from the plane onto trolleys.

2. Luggage check in at the boarding gate, but know that you will not be able to take liquids and other prohibited items with you.

What to do so that your luggage arrives first?
What to do so that your luggage arrives first?

3. Ask for sticker Fragile and stick it on your luggage. This baggage is the last to board the plane and will be the first available after landing.

4. And finally, be the best you can be friendly staff, always worth it.

So, nothing complicated, but still good to know.

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