
How to fall asleep faster and how to sleep better?

How to fall asleep faster and how to sleep better? To get a good night's sleep is not so easy to achieve, especially if it is difficult to fall asleep. But since sleep is incredibly important for our body, and for many reasons, it should be ensured that we get quality sleep every night. But it's easy to say, right?

Are you interested in how to fall asleep faster and how to sleep better? You've probably tried almost everything you can think of and you are already completely desperate because nothing is helping you. But instead of staring into the dark again tonight and counting sheep, read the tips below that will help you faster fall asleep faster and sleep better. 

Lower the temperature in the bedroom

If the bedroom is cooler at night, you will ensure better regulation of your body temperature. When we fall asleep, our body temperature starts to change, and if the room is too warm, it is harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. The temperature of the bedroom should be at night between 15.5 and 23.5 degrees Celsius. If the room is colder, you will be forced to use it as well more comfortable blankets and settle in more pleasant position, which will make it easier for you to fall asleep. Who really wants to be all sweaty at night?

Be physically active during the day

How can you expect to be sleepy at night if you haven't been active during the day? If you haven't been physically active during the day, just when you go to sleep, your stress hormone levels can rise and wreak havoc in your head. Being active during the day contributes to a healthy night's sleep, especially if you are active at the appropriate time. Exercising in the morning is undoubtedly better for sleep than exercising late at night. If you are physically active, you will also feel better increased serotonin levels in the brain, which is also necessary for a good sleep, and at the same time it lowered the level of stress hormones.

Be physically active during the day!
Be physically active during the day!

Try to stay awake

You read that right. Studies have shown that if we force ourselves to sleep, it has the opposite effect. Forcing yourself to sleep will only cause you more stress and anxiety by the minute, which will only take you further away from your goal of falling asleep as soon as possible. So why not? tricked their brains with the order that we must stay awake? So all that needs to be done with this method is to try to stay awake. Pretty simple, right?

But how does something like this really work? If you get excited at the thought that because of tossing and turning on the bed wasting precious hours will most likely overwhelm your brain a huge amount of stress, which actually causes you to stay awake. So tonight, just try the described method and see if you can trick your brain.

Turn off all electronic devices

Electronics greatly prevent our thoughts from settling down. If you will surfing the phone, playing games or reading social media, it will overstimulate your brain and you won't be able to fall asleep. If you play games or watch TV before going to sleep, you may also be thinking about what will happen in the next part of the series or how to get to a higher level of the game. So simple a few hours before going to bed say no to electronics.

Turn off all electronic devices.
Turn off all electronic devices.

Stop looking at the clock

Do you ever find yourself looking at the clock and calculating how many hours you have left to get enough sleep? But maybe you're getting excited because you need to wake up rested and clear-headed, because you're waiting an important test or work assignment – and you anxiously look at the clock to see how you'll manage to function the next day, when you've had barely any sleep. Do yourself a favor and hide the watch. If it is in a visible place, there is a high probability that you will constantly look at it and get stressed. So, stop looking at the clock and give your body and mind a chance to finally rest.

Meditate and calm your mind

We usually turn to meditation to calm our minds and relax our bodies. Therefore, it is only natural if we try to achieve better quality sleep by meditating. If you will be with by meditating during the day calm your mind, you will definitely fall into the evening deep sleep.

Meditate and calm your mind.
Meditate and calm your mind.

Slow down your breathing

The following method is very well known and is often used if we want to fall asleep quickly. We can relax our mind and body if let's slow down our heart rate and we increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. This breathing exercise is called 4-7-8, and we perform it according to the following steps:

1. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth right next to your upper front teeth. He should remain in this position throughout the exercise.
2. Exhale through the mouth; a sound should be heard when exhaling.
3. Close your mouth and slowly, counting to four in your mind, exhale through your nose.
4. Hold your breath for seven seconds.
5. Exhale again through the mouth, while counting to eight; on exhalation, the same sound as before should be heard.
6. Repeat the process three more times to complete the cycle of four full breaths.

There can be many reasons why you can't fall asleep. Maybe you only have these kinds of problems every once in a while, maybe they're regular, but it's definitely there worth a try and instead of using medicines for help, turn to the above simple and effective methods for easier falling asleep and better sleep. You will probably be surprised how easy it is to use the above natural methods to swim to the land of dreams.

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