
How do I find a lost item?!

Do you often stockpile or lose things?!

Photo: envato

Do you often lose your car keys, ID card, scissors or some other item that you really need at a given moment? Follow these 5 simple tips and the item will definitely be found.

Professor Salomon, who has been publishing funny books full of useful advice for years, recommends that we follow his 5 principles for finding lost things, which you can familiarize yourself with in the following lines.

  • How do I find a lost item the fastest?
  • How do I find a lost thing system?

#1. Principle: Don't look for a lost item right away

When people lose something, their primary instinct is to immediately start looking for the item without a real plan. This is a big mistake, because the chaos that remains after you start moving things around makes it even more difficult to find a lost item. That's why Professor Salomon recommends that you first think about where you could find the lost object, and only then start looking for it. So – first consideration, then action.

#2. Principle: The object is not lost, you are

Have you ever thought that maybe your umbrella or key is lost, or you yourself are lost? The fundamental truth is: there are no lost objects, only unsystematic searchers. Accept this principle, write it down on paper and stick it in a prominent place in your home, and you will never have trouble finding lost things again.

#3. Principle: The object is where it belongs

In most cases, when people start panicking because they can't find an object, it's in its usual place, only they didn't notice it. Maybe it ended up at the other end of the drawer, or someone covered it with clothes, or maybe you were just thinking about something else when you were looking for it and didn't notice it, even though it was right in front of you. So - check if maybe the item is just stocked in its usual place.

#4. Principle: Remember the last thing you did with the lost object

If it's not in its usual place, the lost item is probably where you last used it. Rewind the film a bit and try to remember where, for example, you last wrote with a ballpoint pen, used pliers or combed your hair. Very simple. The item is usually where you last used it.

5. Principle: Look somewhere only once, but in detail and slowly

Don't go around in circles when you're looking for something. After a detailed inspection of one room, do not return to it. If you didn't find the item the first time in this room, you won't find it the second time. Search for items slowly and thoroughly.

If the above tips didn't help you - then you definitely need to come up with one of these items to help you find your most valuable things!

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Last updated 2025-02-18 / Affiliate links / Photo source: Amazon Product Advertising API

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