
How to fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds: simple and without ironing

Photo: envato

How to fold a shirt quickly and efficiently without wasting time? Follow these steps and fold t-shirts in record time.

How to fold a shirt in 2 seconds? Forget about long and complicated procedures - with simple techniques you'll be able to fold a shirt so quickly you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

A folded shirt is like dot on I in perfect appearance. Whether you go to a job, going to a meeting, or preparing for a trip, a well-folded shirt can make a big difference in how you look and feel.

However, for many people, folding a t-shirt can be a difficult and complicated process.

How to fold a shirt - 3 simple methods!

T-shirts, shirts - fold them one, two, three. Photo: Polina Tankilevitch / Pexels

The classic method

The classic shirt folding method is a simple but effective process that ensures that your shirt will impeccably folded and ready to wear.

The first step is to lay the shirt on flat surface, such as a table or a bed. Make sure the sleeves and front of the shirt are fully stretched and smooth. Fold up your shirt sleeves. Begin by folding one sleeve along the center line of the shirt so that the sleeve overlaps the back of the shirt. Repeat the same process for the other sleeve.

Then fold the side parts shirt towards the middle so that the shirt is divided into thirds. Cover one part with the other so that the shirt is folded in a strip at the end. Finally fold the bottom of the shirt up, creating a straight line at the bottom of the shirt. This will help keep the shirt in a stable position and prevent it from stretching.

T-shirt folding. Photo: Rdne stock / Pexels

The 2 second method

But if you're looking for an even faster and easier method of folding your shirt, here's the 2 second method. This method is great for those who have little time, but they still want to have a neat outfit.

Similar to the classic method, start by laying the shirt on a flat surface and stretching sleeves and the front of the shirt. Now fold both the sleeves of the shirt so that you cross over the back of the shirt. The sleeves should be stretched evenly.

Then grab the bottom of the shirt with one hand and lift it up towards the neck of the shirt. While holding the bottom of the shirt, use your other hand to grab the top of the shirt and fold it down so that create a compact folded shirt.

The twisting method

Place the shirt on a flat surface with face down. Make sure the shirt sleeves are stretched and leveled. Fold the shirt sleeves towards the center so that they are flush with the sides of the shirt. You can stretch them a bit to create a more compact roll.

Start with by rolling up the bottom of the shirt. Start with one end and roll it towards the top of the shirt. Try to roll the shirt as tightly as possible to make the roll as compact as possible.

Once you reach the top of the shirt, you can finish rolling it and adjust it if necessary to help it hold its shape better. Make sure it is roll tight enough, so it won't come loose when you move or store it.

This method is especially convenient for travel, as it allows you to easily store the shirt in a suitcase or bag without taking up too much space.

And that's that! Folding shirts can be a quick and easy task if you know the right techniques.

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