
How to forgive those who do not deserve it?

We've all experienced it. Someone hurt us intentionally or unintentionally. We try to minimize the pain as much as possible and deal with it. It's normal to be angry at the person who hurt us, but anger only makes things worse. And even if these people don't ask or don't deserve it, forgive them. Whether it's a family member, a friend or an ex-partner - you deserve inner peace, and you'll only get it if you know how to forgive.

1. Accept the situation.

Anger is based on our desire for the situation to change, and we are angry at the fact that things are the way they are. When we learn to accept the situation and realize that there is no going back and that we will not change the situation, we will feel reassured. This peace is the basis for forgiveness.

2. Forgive for yourself.

When you decide to forgive someone who doesn't deserve it, don't do it for that person, do it for yourself. Anger and pain will tire you, and negativity will poison you. So forgive, for yourself.

Try to forgive.
Try to forgive.

3. Replace anger and pain with love.

As you learn to love, spread love and receive it, you also have more compassion for those who have hurt you. Try to understand them better. It is also important to remember that forgiveness does not happen overnight, nor does compassion and love for someone who has hurt you. Be patient and learn to love.


4. Turn the pain into something positive.

Learn from the pain and turn it into something positive. Ask yourself how your experience can help others. The best way to forgive is to turn resentment into gratitude. Your experience and your situation can always help someone else.

Forgiveness is a long process that is quite real it never ends. Even when we feel that we have succeeded in forgiving, negative emotions and bitter feelings can creep in. And the feeling that we just can't forgive someone, no matter how hard we try, can be very unpleasant for us. But if we do tried and worked on it, to forgive, then one day we will achieve inner peace. Let's be patient and try again every day.

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