
How to decorate a hallway to bring good luck into your home: Get rid of these items that are a magnet for bad luck

Photo: envato

Have you ever walked into a home and immediately felt a cozy atmosphere while in another room you are overcome with uneasiness? Have you heard of Feng Shui?

Perhaps it is the influence of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging space, which affects our well-being and life. It combines natural elements to achieve harmony, balance and prosperity in life.

Feng Shui is not only an aesthetic art, but offers concrete advice to improve our everyday life. Did you know that the arrangement of your bedroom can affect the quality of your sleep? That certain plants in your home can attract positive energy? Or that the way you save money affects your financial success?

Plants that bring good luck

Your home is a mirror of your inner world. Arranging a room according to the principles of Feng Shui can help improve your well-being and happiness. The key is what you place at the entrance, as certain objects can bring "bad luck".

Arrange your home according to Feng Shui. Photo: Orlovamaria / Pexels

Corridor: The first line of defense

The hallway is the first room you see when you enter the home, and it is therefore very important. Feng Shui advises that this space should be neat and attractive. Often the hallway is neglected and full of clothes and shoes. Many people decorate it with dried flowers, which is not in accordance with Feng Shui principles.

Avoiding dry flowers and dark colors

Dry or dead flowers in Feng Shui symbolize death and attract bad luck, especially at the entrance. Also, a cactus, although popular, is considered a symbol of scarcity and financial problems if placed near the entrance.

Look at your hallway

Does it contain black or dark objects such as frames, vases or other decorative elements? Feng Shui recommends bright colors, shades of blue and crystal objects, which bring positive energy and joy. Dark colors increase negative energy, while yellow and green bring happiness and prosperity. If you do not have bright objects, it is better to leave the space empty than to fill it with negativity.

Correct use of mirrors

Mirrors can be problematic. In some cultures, it is believed that mirrors "steal" the soul, so do not place them directly in front of the front door. If you want a mirror near the entrance, make sure you do you will not see your reflection upon entry. Throw away damaged mirrors immediately, as they bring bad luck.

Trust yourself. Photo: Punttim / Pexels

Feng Shui and the bedroom

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home, as it is where you spend a lot of time resting and regenerating. The bed should be positioned so that you have a view over the door, but not directly in line with it. Avoid placing mirrors opposite the bed as this can disturb your sleep. Use it gentle and soothing colors and materials that create a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Kitchen and Feng Shui

The kitchen is the heart of the home, where food is prepared and the family gathers. In Feng Shui, it is important that the kitchen is clean and well organized. Keep all knives and sharp objects out of sight so they don't create negative energy. The stove should always be clean, as it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Use fresh ingredients and always have fresh water on hand, which symbolizes vitality.

In addition to the aforementioned tips, it is also important that your home contains elements that bring joy and peace.

For example, flowing water, such as an indoor fountain, symbolizes the flow of positive energy. Fresh flowers and green plants also contribute to creating a healthy and pleasant environment. Avoid sharp and aggressive lines in furniture, as these can create a feeling of tension.

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