
How to improve the energy efficiency of the refrigerator?

Newer models of refrigerators of a higher energy class use less energy / Photo: Gorenje/Hisense

With rising energy prices, many people are looking for ways to reduce the costs of the family budget. One of the biggest consumers of electricity in the household is certainly the refrigerator, without which we can't even imagine life in the summer. For greater energy efficiency, it makes sense to check which energy class your device belongs to and replace it if necessary. Older models of refrigerators consume twice as much energy as refrigerators in energy class C, a comparison of two similar ones showed of Gorenje combined refrigerators. At the same time, you can save a few extra euros by using and distributing food correctly.

We found some tips on how to make sure that the refrigerator uses less energy.

Invest in an energy-saving device

Older refrigerator models are much more wasteful when it comes to energy consumption, so it's worth considering upgrading to a newer, more sustainable appliance. A good guide here is to follow the energy efficiency data labels. Using a refrigerator energy classes A to C can cut electricity costs in half. The refrigerator door should be open for as little time as possible, and when closing, check whether the seal is in place and replace it if necessary. The latest models, such as Gorenje and Hisense brand refrigerators, use an inverter compressor that adjusts the refrigerator temperatures better and faster, making them more economical and quieter.

Choose a refrigerator according to your lifestyle and needs / Photo: Gorenje/Hisense

A full and tidy refrigerator

In addition to choosing an energy-saving refrigerator, how you use it is important. Organized shelves and drawers will make it easier to find food, without leaving the door open too long. Arrange meat and fish closer to the evaporator, dairy products in the central part, fruits and vegetables at the bottom of the refrigerator. It is also important to choose the right size refrigerator for your needs. When the refrigerator is full, the food acts as a thermal mass that helps maintain a stable temperature. When the refrigerator is full, when the door is opened, the loss of cold air will be less, and the cooling will be more efficient.

By turning on the ConvertZone function, the freezer drawer can easily be turned into a refrigerator / Photo: Gorenje/Hisense
When buying a Gorenje and Hisense energy-saving refrigerator, you can take advantage of a campaign until August 15 that enables double savings - on electricity and fuel. When purchasing selected models of refrigerators, you will receive VOUCHER FOR FREE FUEL in the value of 20, 30 or 40 euros, which is valid for 1 year. Perfected technology will simplify food storage and ensure that food stays fresh and tastes great for a long time.
Take advantage of the campaign, which enables double savings - on electricity and fuel / Photo: Gorenje/Hisense

Adapt the layout to your current needs

Today's lifestyle is very dynamic and changes from day to day, to which we have to adapt quickly even in the kitchen. During the week you may be preparing dinner for two, but on the weekend the dining room fills up with family members and friends. It is therefore a great advantage when storing food adaptability of individual parts of the refrigerator. Gorenje refrigerators, for example, allow the freezer compartment to function by turning it on ConvertActive turn it into a refrigerator and thus gain additional space for storing food.

The refrigerator door should be open for as little time as possible and should seal well / Photo: Gorenje/Hisense

Improving the energy efficiency of the refrigerator is only one step towards more sustainable way of life. Save on costs and contribute to the protection of the environment with the judicious use of household appliances. A clearly arranged refrigerator will invite you to eat healthy meals many times, and there will also be significantly less wasted food. By making small daily changes, everyone can make a big impact on the planet and their wallets.

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