
How to keep your friends in a relationship?

Relationship and friendship

Relationship and friends, do they even go together? We all know at least one person who, after getting a partner, was no longer overlooked. All of a sudden she didn't have time for coffee anymore, not to mention that she stopped attending group friendly meetings. Since we believe that this "classic situation" can be avoided, here are tips on how to keep your friends in a relationship.

Unfortunately, it is scientifically proven that after a person finds himself in a relationship, loses at least two friends on average. Our partner, friends, family and work demand so much of our time that we often fail to maintain relationships with all the people we were with before we got into a new relationship. Most of the time, friends are the first to fall away. But since we believe that it can be different, we decided to put it together list of tips, by following which we can keep all our friends despite a new romantic relationship.

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Let's not drift off into our own little world

In this world, we are alone with our partner, which leads to loneliness. Of course, we all know the feeling of being in love, when we want to spend whole days with him or her, but there can only be one outcome of such behavior, and believe me, it is nothing social.

Every now and then we take time for ourselves and our friends

Friday night with friends will strengthen our bonds. But in moments like these, let's focus on them and not just talk about ourselves and our love.

Let's not just focus on the relationship

Although it seems to us that we have been waiting all our lives only for him/her, let's not submit our whole life to the relationship. The period of passionate love quickly cools down, and in moments when our loved one gets on our nerves, there is nothing better than seeking comfort from friends.

We also make friends with his/her friends

We present our company to him/her. This will show him/her that we understand that friends are an important part of life and ensure that our partner and friends do not become completely separate things in our lives.

Let's not cancel friendly meetings,

as soon as our loved one invites us on a romantic date, because with this friend we will let them know that they can no longer rely on us. If we don't want the same thing to happen to us, then friends in a relationship should not become our plan B.

Let's keep in touch,

especially if we move far away for love. This is certainly no longer difficult in a time when there is such an extensive selection of social networks, but let's not forget that keeping in touch requires more than just the occasional message via Facebook.

Don't let your partner be the only person you call

or we send her an SMS when we see something funny. Next time, let's send the message to a friend and let him/her know that we are still thinking of him/her.

Don't hide your friendly adventures from your partner

We prefer to share them and vice versa, because it would be a shame to create a situation in which friends know everything about our partner, but he/she does not even know their names.

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