
How do you know a man really, really wants you?

"A man wants to be a woman's first love, but a woman wants to be his last." - Oscar Wilde

Have you ever sat and stared out the window while daydreaming about the man you like? Did you imagine them finally embracing? How would you feel if you kissed him and he was only yours? Do you wonder if he feels the same way about you? Wondering if he ever thinks about you? Does he see you as just a friend or someone he would like to get to know better?

There are millions of women out there who are in the same situation. They all have the same question in mind - does he really want me? The problem with determining whether or not a man really wants you is that men are different.

For some men, dating is primarily the thrill and adventure of the hunt. Their instinct and drive tells them to pursue women relentlessly. When it comes to these types of men, it is abundantly clear that they are just after you. They don't hide it. They will stop at nothing; no distance is too long for them, no obstacle too high. Sometimes it can be very flattering – especially if you want to be wanted.

When it comes to men who are too full of themselves and refuse to take their word for it "no" for an answer, things can get kind of complicated. The hunt-and-prey attitude towards women is fun and playful until it starts to get scary.

Many women make the mistake of thinking that all men are like this, but that's just not the case. They assume that a "real" man is someone who knows what he wants and will do anything to get it. This is as narrow-minded as saying that a "real" woman is submissive and always allows the man to make the first move. The real world doesn't work like that.

There are many confident women who would not hesitate to let men know that they like them. And they are no less "real" than women who let men take the lead.

There are many confident women who would not hesitate to let men know that they like them.

The truth is that many men are much more modest and shy, especially if they really like you. Real men will think carefully about how to win you over. If they really like you, they won't want to mess things up. They don't want you to think they're only into sex.

How can you tell if a man really likes you? The truth is that this varies from individual to individual, but there are some things that point to it. Especially how he feels around you.

Pay attention to the way he interacts with other people, especially women. But how does he communicate with you? More or less than with other women? Maybe differently? He might like you.

Is he looking at you? Do you ever catch him staring at you? Does he ever seem nervous when he talks to you? Or, on the other hand, does he look extremely relaxed? If he's nervous when he's with you and not when he's around other women, he likes you. Is he relaxed in your presence? Does he get along well with you and enjoy your company more than others? Maybe this is a sign that he likes you.

The feeling of whether a man really wants you comes from your intuition. You have to trust your instincts. There's no way to tell for sure what's going on in someone's head, so you just have to trust what your heart tells you. This can be scary and uncomfortable. But that's simply part of the game of love and life, where it's exciting to be insecure and play the game "does he like me or doesn't he like me?".

If you learn to look at things in this way, you will open yourself up to a whole new world. Trust your instincts, that's the only way you'll have a chance to find out what a man really feels about you.

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