
How to listen to the recordings that your phone is secretly recording?

Maybe it all seems a little schizophrenic? Is our own phone secretly recording us? Well, 'that he occasionally calls from his pocket', we know that, but there is nothing schizophrenic here, because we forget to lock the keyboard. What about the information that the biggest corporations have all the information about us and our lives and can easily get it from social media?

Did you know that when you use voice commands to search on your phone or the web, they're saved somewhere and stay there? At to Google for example. Well, if it's just that, it's not such a big problem, but it doesn't stop there. Even random conversations or botched search attempts are recorded and stored. But don't worry! These recordings you can listen and you can do them too delete.

Google is listening.
Google is listening.

To access them, in the folder My activity search for Voice and sound. All your sounds, conversations, thoughts captured by your smartphone are stored there. You can listen to them and delete them. But if you wanted to also delete your keywords or terms that you searched for in the browser, you can find all your search history in the same folder (My Activity).

Well, we hope you are calm now.

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