
How to look perfect in every holiday photo

Photo tips for holiday photography

Photo tips always come in handy, and we especially appreciate them during the festive season, when all of a sudden everyone around us becomes a photographer - the friend who never stops documenting the evening gathering, the aunt who wants to immortalize every moment of the Christmas dinner, and here, of course, there are also group ones photos that we're always staring at anyway. To keep you safe from photo-tagging season, here are some photography tips to help you shine in every holiday photo this year.

Have you ever wondered if they exist photo tips, how to look perfect in every holiday photo? They are here photo tricks, which will protect you from unfortunate photos with chins, covered face, helmet hairstyles and floor-length dark circles during the holidays...

READ MORE: The truth behind social media photos

Point your face at the light source
Point your face at the light source

Lean forward

Extend your neck and push your face forward. Although it seems a little funny and unusual, this trick will elongate your neck and eliminate any sign of a chin. Tilt your chin down a little more and your jawline will be more prominent.

Don't hide behind your hair

Tuck your hair behind your ears or into a pully collar (super trendy) or pin it up with glittery hairpins. Only in this way will your cheekbones and make-up, which you spent hours and hours on, come to light in the photo.

Do you know your angles?

Turn slightly to the side – unless you have supermodel facial features, you have little chance of looking photo perfect if you're staring straight into the camera. Study your angles in the mirror and always show your best side to the camera.

Put your better side on the camera
Put your better side on the camera

Skip heavy hairspray

A moving hairstyle works much better than a stiff, unmoving sculpture on top of the head. Live and in the photo! Strengthen your hair with foam and tame protruding hair with a styling cream, and skip the use of ultra-strong hairspray this time...

Do not overdo it with powder

If possible, don't overdo it with powder, because the look of a mask in a photo never looks better than a fresh, natural look. Choose a light foundation and highlight your face with blush and red lipstick to emphasize the dimensions of your face.

Do not stand directly under the light

Like the sun at midday, light directly above you casts unflattering shadows on your face and elsewhere on your body. Avoid "undereye circles to the floor" and direct your face towards the light.

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