
How to lose weight and live healthier, without dieting

Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Small changes in your diet and regular exercise work wonders.

We present to you 5 steps for lasting changes, nutrition experts, Joy Bauer,which she presented in the show The Today. She discovered that in a simple way, each of us can make healthy changes to our body, lose weight and get in shape without having to go on a diet.

How is this possible?

Read her tips.

First step: don't forget fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, so they help you fill up instead of overeating. They are also full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep your body healthy and strong. In addition, they are an excellent source of fiber for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, and especially for reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.

Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Photo: Jane D. / Pexels

Step two: Drink lots of water

How much? For example, at a weight of 60 kilograms, this would be two liters of water. This method is good for several things, but most importantly it hydrates you, which helps with digestion and metabolism. It is also a distraction and prevents people from mistaking thirst for hunger. Drink plain or carbonated water. If you like a little flavor, you can also opt for flavored water, coffee or tea.

Step three: stick to a 12-hour interval between breakfast and dinner

Minimize eating options and temptations by sticking to a restricted eating period. If you eat breakfast at 8 a.m., your last meal should be at 8 p.m. Of course, you can adjust it back or forward from day to day depending on your schedule and plans. This approach to nutrition has proven to be an effective way of keeping a proper meal schedule and thus the total amount of food you eat.

Step Four: Mealtime

When working from home or learning remotely, it is difficult to separate the office or classroom from the kitchen. Try to separate work and lunch by setting a meal time and making it a "technology-free zone." If you have such a rhythm, it will be easier to recognize the signs of hunger and prevent overeating.

Step Five: Stop feeling hungry

Hunger signals are signs by which we can determine whether we are really hungry or not. If you are at home all the time, if you do not have a clear routine and you move less often, you can create a need for food during the day. Therefore, it is important to ask: "Am I really hungry or am I looking for a snack because I'm bored?"

Before you open the fridge, think - are you hungry? Do you just need fresh air? Photo: Alexandra Acea / Unsplash

The next time you head to the pantry or fridge, stop and rate your hunger on a scale of 1 to 5 (hungry/full).

1. Feeling weak and irritable - hungry
2. Hungry and ready to eat
3. Satisfied - neither hungry nor full
4. Satisfied - I'm not hungry
5. Uncomfortable - I'm not hungry

Stop and close your eyes, focus on your stomach. Your mind can often tell you when to eat and how much to eat, by listening to your stomach you bypass the path of emotional overeating. If your hunger level between 1 and 2, it's definitely time to eat. If you are between 2 and 3 and still hungry, hydrate and take a walk. Maybe you just need a change of scenery and a clear head. But if you're still hungry after that, enjoy a meal or a snack. If you're not sure if you're still hungry, you are take a break for 15 to 20 minutes and then reassess your hunger. You will be able to estimate more accurately if you give your system time to digest the food you just ate.

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