
How to love unconditionally in any relationship?

"I love you unconditionally." How many times have you heard or said those words? They are common in conversations with loved ones. However, this unconditionality is often limited in reality by various rules and regulations. When a loved one violates them, our love for them crumbles. But with a correct understanding of love, we can learn how to love unconditionally in any relationship.

How to love unconditionally in any relationship? Many times we think that our love is unconditional, but when that person crosses certain boundaries or her behavior doesn't match ours ideals and ideas, we realize that we don't love unconditionally. This leads to suffering on both sides of the relationship. How to avoid it? The answer is in correct understanding of love. The purpose of a relationship is not to fulfill us and save us from everyday hardships. If we expect this from another person, they will quickly disappoint us.

How to love unconditionally?
How to love unconditionally?

True love allows the freedom of another person to be who they are. To love unconditionally means seeing the other person as they are. It also always means being tolerant of aspects of that person that we may not like the most. In romantic relationships, it often happens we are afraid to allow such a degree of freedom because we assume that this person may then leave us or hurt us. Allowing freedom leads to mutual trust, which strengthen the intimate bond. If we don't limit our loved one with our own rules and conditions, then it is easier to trust that they are with us because they chose to do so themselves and not because of the fear of loss.

READ MORE: 6 things you should know about each other before you start living together

True love allows freedom
True love allows freedom

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