
How to make a life-important decision - are you guided by fear or love?

Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make an important decision and didn't know how to proceed? How would you feel if someone offered you the answers to four key questions that can help you make a decision?

How to accept an important decision? These four questions aren't a magic wand, but they will help you gain better insights and embrace more thoughtful decisions.

In life, we constantly encounter decisions, from small everyday decisions to big life changes. Sometimes these decisions are easy, but sometimes they present us with real challenges. Decision making can become especially difficult when there seem to be no easy answers or when we are faced with important decisions that may affect our future.

In such moments we can find ourselves in in the grip of doubt, uncertainty and stress. Questions are running through our minds, but it is difficult to find clear answers. In these moments, we may need help in formulating clear guidelines for our decisions.

Thinking about changing careers, moving to another city or ending a partnership? Are you perhaps facing financial difficulties that require decisions about your investments and savings? Or are they everyday decisions like planning your day or resolving a conflict with someone close to you?

Regardless of the type of decision we are faced with, we can sometimes feel lost or overwhelmed.

an important decision
Don't know how to proceed? Photo: Anderson Guerra / Pexels

In such moments, however, four simple questions can help us gain clarity and confidence in making decisions. These questions are not a magic solution, but they are a tool that can help you broaden your perspective and better understand your needs, values, and goals.

Questions to ask yourself before making an important decision

1. What advice would you give to someone you love?

Sometimes we are our own biggest critics, and when we are faced with a difficult decision, we can become overly critical of ourselves. This first question directs us to treat our situation with more compassion. Instead of asking what is right or wrong, let's ask how we would advise someone we really value and love.

Think about your situation from a third-person point of view. What advice would you give to your best friend, your sister or your brother? This can help you see the bigger picture and consider possible solutions that you may not have seen when you were too emotionally involved.

2. What would I like my children to do?

This is a crucial question for parents, as they realize that their children are constantly observing their behavior and learning from it. When we are faced with a decision, we think about what kind of example we want to set for our children. This helps us identify the values that really matter to us.

Think of it as an opportunity to teach your children the importance of making responsible decisions and facing consequences. Your decision will affect their understanding of life and the way they make decisions in the future.

an important decision
Stand up for yourself and shine. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

3. If I were the main character in the story, what would that character do?

This question encourages us to think of our lives as a narrative or a story. Every good story has a hero or heroine who overcomes obstacles and grows through experiences.

Imagine being that hero. How would you deal with the challenges and obstacles you are currently exposed to? How would you grow and develop as a person? Thinking in this way helps us see our decisions as part of our life journey and development.

4. Are you making this decision out of love or fear?

This question encourages us to dig deeper and analyze our motives for making decisions. We can often be motivated out of fear, fear of change, failure or loss. But if we make decisions out of fear, it can lead to regret and dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, love, inspiration and positive values can serve as a powerful source of motivation. When you ask yourself whether you are making a decision out of love or fear, you can more clearly imagine what is really driving you and whether your decision is in line with what really means to you.

These four questions are a tool for a deeper understanding of yourself decision. They don't always provide immediate answers, but they help to broaden a different perspective and provide reflection on decisions in a more in-depth way.

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