
How do we make delicious homemade ice cream from just two ingredients?

Homemade ice cream with only two ingredients.

Sun, sea, heat and vacation. Ice cream can also be added to the things that are inextricably linked to summer. And although you mostly buy ready-made ones, this will probably change when you realize that you can make delicious ice cream that can easily compete with banjiks and scoops with just two ingredients, without an ice cream maker and without any cooking skills. Irish professional chef Gemma Stafford shared her recipe and demonstration with us.

Did you know you can make delicious homemade ice cream made from only two ingredients? For the ice cream base you only need whipping cream and condensed respectively condensed milk. Beat both together firmly with a whisk to get a smooth and foamy texture, then add your favorite flavor if desired, where you can let your imagination run wild and play with toppings (e.g. with caramel or vanilla), with seasonal fruits, nuts, coconut, cookies, chocolate, liqueurs, etc. If you want ice cream with intense colors, use food coloring.

READ MORE: Recipe: Elderberry panna cotta

It's time for homemade ice cream.
It's time for homemade ice cream.

If you don't take our word for it that it's that easy, watch the video Gemma Stafford, which is a simple recipe for home preparation the oldest and most popular desserts in the world use in practice. Guaranteed, after the test, you will no longer resort to banjica from freezers in stores, because this ice cream cannot be compared to the ice cream you will make yourself.

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