
How do you make homemade hand sanitizer?

How do you make homemade hand sanitizer? Let us warn you right away that homemade hand sanitizers cannot replace hand washing with soap and water. Disinfectants that you make yourself must contain at least 60 percent alcohol, otherwise they cannot win in the fight against viruses and bacteria.

Are you interested, how to make homemade hand sanitizer? Read on!

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers reduce the number of germs on hands, but they do not eliminate all types of bacteria and viruses.

If you are going to make your own hand sanitizer, it must contain from 60 to 95 percent alcohol (if the content is less, the disinfectant will not destroy and kill bacilli and viruses).

However, you should be aware that using homemade disinfectants can cause severe drying of the skin, and such damaged and cracked skin is more susceptible to infections.

So we warn you again! Use homemade hand sanitizers only if you can't wash your hands with soap and water and if you can't buy disinfectants made by pharmaceutical processes.

The most reliable protection is definitely frequent hand washing with soap and water.
The most reliable protection is definitely frequent hand washing with soap and water.
If your nearest stores and pharmacies run out of hand sanitizers, you can use this recipe to prepare them!

How to make homemade hand sanitizer


  • 85 ml 70%–95% alcohol (isopropyl or ethanol, medical alcohol)
  • 15 ml of aloe vera gel
  • 8-10 drops of essential oil

The aloe vera gel will keep your hands moisturized and prevent them from drying out too much due to the alcohol.

You can use different essential oils: lavender oil, tea tree oil, lemon oil, lemon grass oil...

Mix the ingredients well and pour the disinfectant into a syringe, which you can buy in larger stores with cosmetics, medical equipment or in pharmacies.


When using this disinfectant, be careful to apply enough. A larger amount will cover a larger area of skin. Rub the sanitizer in until your hands are completely dry.

Finally, once again loud and clear: use homemade hand sanitizers only if you cannot buy disinfectants made by pharmaceutical processes and if you cannot wash your hands with soap and water.

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