
How to master the entrepreneurial labyrinth?

Every entrepreneur faces many dilemmas, whether he is a beginner or an established entrepreneur. On...

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Premises of the company Data doo, Ljubljana-Bežigrad
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Every entrepreneur faces many dilemmas, whether he is a beginner or an established entrepreneur. At the company Data doo, we have prepared a seminar where you will get all the guidelines.

Content of the seminar

The development of an entrepreneurial idea, the establishment of a company and later the development of the company pose a number of questions to the (future) entrepreneur:

  • How do I check if my service will find customers?
  • How do I set a price for my product that will be attractive to buyers and at the same time provide me with an adequate income?
  • I heard that the name of the company should not contain foreign words. What is a proper business name anyway?
  • I will be baking cookies and selling them at the market. Is it enough to register the activity C10.720 Production of toast and biscuits? How do I choose the company's activities?
  • Being a rater is simpler, but I won't be able to claim all the relief. Is it really worth it?
  • I have the feeling that I only have expenses with the business. Maybe I can cover them with grants.
  • etc…

Many questions, many answers. At the seminar How to master the entrepreneurial labyrinth? you will learn where everything gets stuck in the development of a business idea and company, where you can make a mistake and how you can avoid problems. We will present you with concrete challenges and the solutions to them that our company offers. By participating in the seminar How to master the entrepreneurial labyrinth? you will acquire entrepreneurial skills faster and more efficiently, and as a result you will be able to plan your business or run your company more successfully.


You are welcome!

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