
How to prepare plants for winter: keep them healthy even in the cold months

Photo: envato

Winter is a period when nature rests, but that doesn't mean you should neglect your houseplants. Although they need less watering and care during this time, there are some key things to keep in mind to keep them healthy and vital through the winter. Read on to learn how to properly care for plants in the cold months.

In winter, the needs of plants are quite different than in the warmer months. Due to shorter days and less natural light, most indoor plants slow down their growth or even go into a dormant period. That's why it's important to adjust your watering and care routine.

Photo: envato

How to care for plants in the cold months

Reduce watering

During this time, plants need much less water. Due to the lower temperatures and less sun, the roots do not absorb water as quickly as in the summer, so be careful not to overwater them. Water only when the topsoil is dry and make sure that water does not sit in the bases as this can cause root rot.

Photo: envato

Keep moisture in the air

Due to indoor heating, the air is often dry, which can have a negative effect on plants that love a humid environment. Regular foliar spraying or use of a humidifier will ensure optimal humidity, especially for tropical plants such as ferns and ficuses.

Adjust the lighting

Winter light is weaker and shorter, so move the plants closer to the window or provide them with additional lighting using plant lights. Be careful not to place the plant too close to cold glass surfaces or drafts, as this can damage them.

Photo: envato

Fertilizers are redundant

In winter, most plants do not need additional feeding, as they are in a resting phase. Fertilization should start again in the spring, when the plants revive and start to grow.

Watch out for pests

Although plants are less hot in winter, the dry environment and less air movement can make them susceptible to pests such as mites. Check the leaves and stems regularly and use natural insecticides if necessary.


Place the plants away from direct heat sources such as radiators, as hot air can dry out the leaves. Ideally, they should be in a room where temperatures are constant and not subject to large fluctuations.

Photo: envato
With proper care, your houseplants can survive the winter without any problems and will thank you with fresh growth in the spring. Provide adequate watering, moisture, light and regular inspections, and even the most sensitive plants will easily survive the coldest months.

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