
How to prepare squid so that they are soft and tasty

Photo: envato

Top chefs gave tips on how to prepare soft and good squid just like in a restaurant.

Squids are many people's favorite type of seafood, but they avoid preparing them, as they can become too hard or "cheesy" during heat treatment.

There are simple tricks that professional chefs use to make squid always soft, almost perfect. Here are tips on how to make squid tasty and tender squid.


Look for squid that have firm, shiny white bodies, and don't buy ones that have a pink or purple tint. The smaller they are, the softer the texture and the more tender the meat.

Photo: envato

Knock them down

To soften the squid, tap them several times on each side lightly with a kitchen hammer, but be careful not to "chop" the squid.


After cleaning the squid, cut them into rings or strips, leave the tentacles whole or cut them in half if they are too big. To make rings, cut the squid crosswise to the desired thickness. To make the strips, cut along the visible seam that runs along the body, then open it like a book and cut.


Squids are mostly sold already cleaned. Just in case, check with your finger that no part has been left uncleaned. Wash them under cold water, then dry them with paper towels, using quick strokes so they don't stick.


When frying/frying them, remember that squid need a very short heat treatment of about 2 minutes in a large amount of very hot oil, which should cover them completely. If you roast them for a long time, they will become dry and tough.

Photo: envato


When cooking, however, things are completely different - the longer you cook them, the softer they will be. It is recommended that the fire be low to moderate, and the minimum time is 35 minutes.

She is baking

If you are going to bake them, use very little fat. When they are browned on one side, turn them to the other side for a short time. The whole process should not take more than 4-5 minutes.

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