
How to prepare the feet for the first sandals?

They say that you should dress warmly for all those months that have the letter "R" in their name. You know that you are only a week away from May and soon you will be wearing the first sandals that reveal your feet. Do you know how to properly prepare them for this feat?

For months, you walked in boots, boots, ankle boots, etc protecting your feet from uncomfortable weather influences, but many more were created because of them dead skin and dried calluses. And now that the sunny weather is finally here, so will your feet saw the light of day, so it is important that the feet are in order!

If you have skin problems, it's better not to you turn to the help of experts, which will revive your affected feet, and you will probably also get some advice on how to properly care for them take care of at home. Experts also advise that you should take care of your feet every other or the third week.

How to prepare the feet for the first sandals?
How to prepare the feet for the first sandals?


1. Soaking the feet
Fill a basin or bucket with warm water and add salt to it, which is supposed to soften the skin on the feet and thus facilitate the removal of dead cells and dried calluses. The salt is said to have a soothing effect and has many properties that ensure a thorough cleaning of the feet.

2. Cleaning the feet
If you don't have problem skin, you can just start removing dead cells with a foot file. If you are dealing with problematic skin, you can place a lemon on your foot, which is supposed to act as a chemical exfoliant. Squeeze the lemon and use the peel to remove the hard skin. Place it on the heel and keep it up for at least an hour, then use a file to clean away the dead cells.

If you have skin problems, it is better to seek help from professionals.
If you have skin problems, it is better to seek help from professionals.

3. Grooming your nails
Removes excess nail polish. If yellow spots have formed on the nails, you can also remove them by soaking your fingers for two minutes in a mixture of three tablespoons of peroxide and half a cup of warm water. Design your nails and paint them!

4. Moisturizing
After you have finished thoroughly cleaning your feet, it is important to moisturize them. You must not overdo it with the cream and it is not recommended to over-moisturize the space between the toes, because the moistened skin in this place creates a perfect place for infections. Even the feet deserve special "love", so massage them and rub in the cream.

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