
How to prevent sweating: dermatologists warn of a mistake that causes profuse sweating

Photo: envato

In the morning, when you get out of the house or at work, do you find yourself sweating within a few minutes? Why is this happening? Perhaps the answer lies in your morning routine.

Are you sweaty? Try using it instead of regular deodorant antiperspirant, which actively reduces sweating. This is a great choice for the hot days ahead.

Use antiperspirant, not deodorant

For best results, apply antiperspirant at night before going to bed. During sleep, the sweat glands calm down, which allows the active ingredients of the antiperspirant to be better absorbed into the skin and effectively reduce sweating during the day.

What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?

Deodorants are designed to mask unpleasant odors, but do not affect the amount of sweat. Most deodorant formulas are based on alcohol, which changes the pH value of your skin when applied, reducing the chance of odor-causing bacteria developing.

Sweating after a few minutes outdoors? Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

On the other hand, antiperspirants usually contain aluminum chloride, which temporarily "blocks" the sweat glands and thus affects the amount of sweat secreted.

Reduction of unpleasant odor

Although deodorants effectively mask odor, they do not reduce sweating. In addition to reducing the amount of sweat, antiperspirants also help reduce unpleasant odor, as they inhibit the activity of the sweat glands, which means less chance for the development of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.

For best results, use antiperspirant on clean and dry skin. Avoid using antiperspirant immediately after shaving as it can cause skin irritation.

Don't let profuse sweating ruin your day.

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