
How to prevent headphones from tangling?

Complicated headphones

Headphone tangling, the bane of every mobile phone and portable music player user. Whenever we put headphones in a pocket or other confined space, the inevitable happens. Cables get tangled, sometimes more like a Game of Thrones storyline. Until you order Slovenian Twistear headphones, headphones that do not get tangled, we present you a way to prevent tangling during storage or transferring.

How to prevent entanglement of headphones? Scientists have found that the length of the cable is to blame. All that have longer than 46 centimeters (most have them), are prone to entanglement. But you can prevent tangles and knots with a very simple method; simple knot, which can also be used to bundle other types of cable.

READ MORE: Twistear: headphones that do not tangle are a Slovenian innovation

Complicated headphones are an eternal puzzle.
Complicated headphones are an eternal puzzle.

In the video above, see a simple method of folding the headphones that will come with it tangled cables headphones are a thing of the past.

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