
How to properly clean a TV screen without damaging it

Photo: envato

Dust, fingerprints and smudges can spoil your TV and TV screen, affecting the quality of the screen. Keeping your TV screen pristine not only improves your viewing experience, but also extends the life of your device. In this article, we tell you how to properly clean the TV screen.

How to properly clean the TV screen? Keeping the TV screen clean and accessories not only improves your viewing experience, but also contributes to the longevity of your devices. By following these simple and effective cleaning practices, you can ensure that your TV remains a clean window for breathtaking images and sound. Remember that the key to effective cleaning is regular maintenance and use the right materials.

Photo: Drew/Pexels

Materials you need for cleaning

Before you start cleaning, it is crucial to choose the right material to avoid damaging the screen. You will need a microfiber cloth that is soft and perfect for cleaning sensitive materials. You also need distilled water, as this does not leave stains. You can use isopropyl alcohol, which is intended for more stubborn stains, just mix it with water in a ratio of 1:1. You will also need a spray bottle, cotton buds, which are helpful in cleaning corners.

How to properly clean the TV screen?

Flat screen TVs, regardless of type, require gentle care during cleaning. Turn off the TV first so you can see the stains more easily. Lightly dust with a microfiber cloth and gently wipe the screen to remove dust, without pressing hard. If necessary, apply the liquid to a cloth with distilled water or a mixture of alcohol and water. Never spray directly onto the screen. Gently clean the TV screen in a circular motion to prevent stains. Use another dry microfiber cloth to dry to prevent water stains.

Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

How to clean the remote control

Your TV remote control is a hot spot for germs and dirt. Remove the batteries. Use a microfiber cloth moistened with a solution of alcohol and water and wipe the entire surface. To clean the buttons and use cotton swabs for the slits. Then, dry the remote with a microfiber cloth.

How to clean TV speakers

TV speakers can collect dust, which can affect sound quality. For cleaning, use a dry, soft brush and gently sweep the dust from the speaker grilles. Dust on built-in speakers wipe with a cloth. Be gentle not to push dust into the speakers.

Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

How often to clean your TV screen

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your TV looking good. How often you need to clean your screen depends on several factors, including the dusty environment. It is recommended that once a week wipe the dust from the TV screen to prevent dust accumulation. Deep clean the screen once a month or when noticeable stains appear.

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