
How to position the bed correctly – with the head facing south or east?

The direction of the sky affects the quality of our sleep

Photo: envato

Did you know that the direction your bed faces can affect the quality of your sleep? The right layout of your sleeping space is not just an aesthetic choice – it also reflects the influence of energy and culture.

We checked what interior design experts and traditional philosophies like feng shui and Ayurveda have to say about it, and how to find the ideal spot for your bed.

1. The influence of the direction of the sky on sleep: Myth or truth?

In many cultures, the direction a bed faces is believed to have a significant impact on the quality of sleep. While Western science is still studying these influences, ancient philosophies such as feng shui and Ayurveda, they claim that bed placement is key to a harmonious life.

  • North or south? Ayurveda recommends sleeping with your head facing south, as this direction is said to promote more restful sleep. The reason? The Earth's magnetic field.
  • East or West? Feng Shui recommends sleeping with your head facing east, as this direction symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and clarity. A western orientation is suitable for those who value stability and peaceful evenings.
Photo: envato

2. Practical tips for making a bed

If you're not sure which way to turn your bed, consider the following guidelines:

The head should not be under the window: Sleeping under a window can cause restlessness, as the energy flow is strongest there. Also, the colder nights can affect your health.

The bedroom door should not be directly in front of the bed: In feng shui, this is called the “corpse position” because it symbolically directs energy out of the room. Instead, position your bed so that you can see the door, but not directly in the way.

Stable headrest: The bed should be against the wall, as this gives a sense of security and stability while sleeping.

Photo: envato

3. Bed size and material: Important details

A properly positioned bed is not just a matter of the direction of the sky – it is also important how comfortable and stable your bed is:

Bed size: Make sure the bed is not too small. If you sleep as a couple, choose a wider bed for a comfortable sleep without any disturbances.

Material: Natural materials like wood or bamboo contribute to a healthier environment. Avoid metal frames, which can disrupt the flow of energy.

4. Feng Shui and Personal Energy

Each person has their own energy. If you don't feel good in a certain position, trust your feelings. Not every sleeping position is ideal for everyone, so find a balance between the recommendations and your own comfort. Try making small changes: if you often have trouble falling asleep, turn your pillow or move your head to the other side of the bed for a few days and observe the changes.

Let your sleep ritual become your oasis

Whether you believe in energy directions or not, the most important thing is that your bed is a comfortable and relaxing place. Try to follow the basic rules, but adapt them to yourself and your needs. Sometimes even small changes make a big difference - but in the end, all that matters is how rested you wake up.

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