
How to properly wash your swimsuit: Protect it from chlorine, salt and sand to keep it looking like new for a long time

Photo: envato
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Simple secrets for the longevity of your swimwear! Let the swimwear stay beautiful for a long time.

Have you ever thought about what happens to the materials when you wear a swimsuit after a day at the beach simply dump on the bathroom floor? Chlorine can weaken fabric, and salt causes fibers to lose elasticity. And then there are those odd white spots caused by improper drying in the sun. Did you know that even the best swimwear, if not properly cared for, can fall victim to these summer enemies?

So, how do you make sure they're yours? the swimsuit looks like new even after several summers?

Photo: envato

Chemical and Salt Damage: The Silent Danger to Your Swimwear

When you take a dip in the refreshing pool water, you probably don't think about how chlorine affects your swimsuit. Chlorine is effective in disinfecting water, but it also has a less desirable effect - it slowly but steadily destroys the elasticity of fabrics. The same applies to seawater, where the salt penetrates the fibers and dries them out. Sunscreens and oils add their own layer of damage as they can soak into the material and cause discoloration.

Elasticity and proper washing: The key to a long life

Swimwear made of spandex or lycra are popular for their exceptional stretch and comfort. But this extensibility is not unlimited. If not cared for properly, these swimsuits can quickly lose their shape. One of the most important steps in maintaining elasticity is proper washing.

Hand wash with cold water is the gold standard that will ensure that the swimsuit retains its flexibility. However, if you decide to wash in the washing machine, choose the gentlest cycle and use a mild detergent that will not damage the fibers.

Photo: envato

Instant rinse: Simple but effective

Daily bathing suit care begins immediately after exiting the water. If you have the opportunity, wash them off with cold water from the shower already on the beach or by the pool. This simple step helps remove most harmful chemicals and salts before they have time to soak into the fabric. While it may be tempting to just hang your swimsuit on the line and forget about it, a few minutes of extra attention will extend its life.

An extra step for perfect cleanliness

When you really want to take care of your swimwear, give it a special bath. Add a teaspoon of mild liquid delicate laundry detergent to a basin of cold water and let the swimsuit soak for about half an hour. This will help remove any residual chlorine, salt and creams that normal rinsing cannot completely remove.

Drying in the shade: How to prevent colors from fading

Many people make the mistake of drying their swimwear in direct sunlight. Although swimwear is made for the sun, UV rays can cause colors to fade quickly. Instead, dry them in the shade where they will be safe from the sun's harmful rays. This way you will keep the vivid colors and patterns that captivated you when you bought it.

Photo: envato

What determines the durability of a swimsuit

When thinking about buying a new swimsuit, pay attention to the quality of the material and the number of stitches. Better materials, such as those with a high percentage of elastin or spandex, ensure a longer lifespan. In addition, a higher number of stitches per centimeter means a stronger construction that will better withstand everyday wear and tear. However, be aware that more quality usually means a higher price. But if you want a swimsuit that will last several seasons, it's worth the investment.

With these simple tricks, you'll be able to enjoy your favorite swimwear long after the memories of your summer vacation have faded.

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