
How to properly wash underwear? Only in this way will you destroy all bacteria

Photo: envato

Caring for personal hygiene is vital, but we often don't realize how important a role proper washing of underwear plays in this. Underwear is in direct contact with the most sensitive parts of our body, so it is crucial to pay special attention to it. Proper washing not only extends the life of your laundry, but is also key to preventing the spread of bacteria and maintaining personal hygiene. In this article, we will show you how to properly wash your underwear.

How to properly wash underwear? Correct washing underwear it is not only a question of personal hygiene, but also of health. Following the steps above will ensure that it is yours Underwear clean, fresh and free of bacteria, which will have a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Why is it necessary to wash underwear separately?

Prevention of spread bacteria and infections: Underwear is in permanent condition contact with microbes and bacteria, which can multiply if the laundry is not washed properly and regularly. Improperly washed underwear can cause skin irritation, rashes and other skin problems, especially for people with sensitive skin. Regular and correct washing of underwear is crucial for personal hygiene and prevention of unpleasant odors.

Wash underwear separately. Photo; Grabowska/Pexels

Recommended washing temperature

To effectively remove bacteria and maintain hygiene, it is recommended to wash underwear on temperature of at least 60°C. High water temperature helps destroy bacteria and viruse, which may be present on the fabric. However, it is important to follow the washing instructions on the label of your underwear, as some delicate fabrics may not withstand high temperatures. For such cases, you can use a detergent that is effective even at lower temperatures.

Photo: envato

How to wash it properly

He always does  wash separately from other laundry, especially from clothes that are more soiled or contain heavy fabrics. Use a detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics and has antibacterial properties. If your laundry can withstand high temperatures, wash it in hot water as this helps remove bacteria. After washing  dry the laundry thoroughly, as a moist environment encourages the reproduction of bacteria. If possible, use a dryer or dry in the sun, as the UV rays help kill any remaining bacteria. It is recommended to change the linen every day and wash it after each usei to ensure optimal hygiene.

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