
How to protect the Christmas tree from playful pets?

If you've ever experienced your Christmas tree changing its position to horizontal, then you know that mice really do dance when the cat isn't home. Your pet just had too much fun while you were away from home. But unfortunately, he will have to find another toy, because the Christmas tree is too dangerous for him.

Many people they do not decorate because of his home playful pets, which is on they want to hang out with the Christmas tree in every way. But it's not even that stupid decision, as this can represent danger to your pet. Surely no one wants to be seen in this happy time of the rescuers at their home address.

Even though it is the Christmas tree looks beautiful, is according to the opinion American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) this dangerous for your pet. As they write on their website, it is important that fasten the tree well, because in this way you will prevent them from the animal came into contact with the water and fertilizers contained in the water containing the Christmas tree. This type of liquid can cause stomach irritation, bacterial build-up, nausea and diarrhoea.

A Christmas tree is dangerous for a pet.
A Christmas tree is dangerous for a pet.

If you decorate your home with fresh greens (mistletoe), it is good that him install in places that the animal cannot reach. Mistletoe, if the animal eats it, it can irritates the stomach, affects mental functions, breathing and heart rate, he says ASPCA.

Cat lovers you will have to be even more attentive to your pets. Cats love everything which lights up and flashes, so they love the Christmas tree very much. And tree climbing you are probably already familiar with it. You will have to put the tree in place, which the cat cannot reach. PETA advises, among other things, that trunk decorate the trees with orange peels, as most cats hate the smell of citrus fruits.

Macas love trees.
Macas love trees.

In addition to decorations, 'non-animal' is also important food, which means that you also have to make sure that the animals don't they come into contact with food that is not suitable for them.

Find it a fun way to include your pet in the festive idyll (hint: holiday sweaters and headbands)! You can be also consider a cap like the cat in the photo below.

The most fun cap in the world!
The most fun cap in the world!

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