
How to protect your hair from the sun and salt?

We also need to protect our hair from the strong sun. The sun's rays lighten the hair and at the same time remove natural oils. But it is not only the sun that damages the hair. Salt is not innocent either. If you are kind to your hair this summer, you will save money on the hairdresser in the fall. So take these tips seriously and try to stick to them as much as possible to keep your hair healthy and well-groomed throughout the year.

Read on below, how to protect your hair from the sun and salt.

Trim your ends before the start of the swimming season.

Tired hair quickly turns into split ends, while trimmed ends are stronger and more resilient.

Always use a conditioner or cream after shampooing and use shampoo for dry hair.

It is very important that your hair is always nourished, as this prevents it from drying out. With proper care, hair will not become brittle and brittle in the sun, but will look healthy.

Use shampoo for dry hair.
Use shampoo for dry hair.

Carry a leave-in conditioner with you.

Leave-in conditioners and conditioners will make your hair soft, making it harder for salt to penetrate the scalp. There are also spray conditioners that you can spray on your hair at any time and simply keep them with you.

Try to find a hair cream with a protection factor…

… or simply spray your hair with regular sunscreen. This will wash off during swimming anyway.

Apply a mask or cream with ZF to your hair.
Apply a mask or cream with ZF to your hair.

After the beach, do your hair a favor and use a hair mask.

We all know the benefits of nourishing masks. In addition to making the hair silky and soft, it provides the deep care it needs most when exposed to the sun.

Wash your hair with a very mild shampoo after spending a whole day in the sun.

Sparrows are already chirping about the fact that washing your hair every day is not the best decision. However, during summer days it often happens that we have to wash them more often or every day, so then choose a gentle shampoo that will not dry out the scalp.

For frequent hair washing, use as mild a shampoo as possible.
For frequent hair washing, use the mildest possible shampoo.

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