
How to raise the price of your home?

Do you own a house that you want to get rid of and make as much money as possible? With a few simple tricks, it is possible to significantly increase the price of a property without investing a lot of money in it.

What needs to be done to make your house worth more than before?

1. Paint the front door

A survey conducted by an online portal Zillow, came to the conclusion that houses with black or charcoal gray doors are rated higher. Paint for painting wooden doors is not expensive, and with its help, you can even increase the value of your house by several thousand.

2. Brighten up the kitchen with quartz

The kitchen.
The kitchen.

The aforementioned research also revealed that houses whose kitchens have quartz countertops fetch a 6 % higher price than others. For such an investment, a few thousand must be deducted, which will later turn out to be money well spent.

3. Equip the kitchen with cabinets in two different colors

The kitchen can be described as the soul of the home, so it is important that it is equipped in a modern way. Recently, the combination of two different colors, which give the room a strong character, is particularly popular. With some imagination, you can raise the price of your house by more than 1,000 euros.

4. Refresh the bathroom


Buying some bathroom items won't cost you a fortune. Even if you replace the shower curtain with a glass door, you will be doing yourself a big favor.

5. Take care of the warm-up

If your house does not have central heating, it will be difficult to sell it. It is expected that you will double the money invested with this investment.

6. Tear down unnecessary walls

Let the house breathe.
Let the house breathe.

Walls that are not part of the load-bearing structure of the house unnecessarily take up a lot of space. Nowadays, the spaciousness of the house is much more important than the number of rooms. Your house will become brighter and gain about 5 % value.

7. Don't forget the basics

You need to present your house in the best possible light to potential buyers. It is especially important to clean it thoroughly. If you're not good at photography, get a friend to take some photos for you to upload later.

8. Consider the location of the house

Look around and observe the houses in your neighborhood. If you are surrounded by buildings that are not worth much, even a lot of repairs to the house will not contribute to a significant increase in the price.

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